Tuesday, January 31, 2006

PSP Universal Remote

Massa84remoteOne of the most requested applications for the PSP has finally become a reality! Thanks to Massa84 you can now turn your PSP into a universal remote capable of controlling thousands of devices! Thanks to Alexmae for the info and the translation!

What it does

it lets you emulate every remote supported by lirc (www.lirc.org), they're nearly 1800 (all included in the release)

for the remotes not yet supported i suggest you to try to use the others remotes from the same manufacturer. there's a good probability that they would work

How do i make it work?

- extract the archive in the psp root
- launch the app
- press square and the remote list will appear
- select the manufacturer pressing x
- select the remote pressing x
- program will "reboot"
- press circle to make appear the commands list
- select the command and press x

to exit press triangle! home button makes the psp crash

What will it do:

in a near future it will have a leaning commands function, the gui will be improved now it's a little bit empty
raw lirc support

these files are already available but the app doesn't find any command

Download: [PSP Universal Remote]

Monday, January 30, 2006

Homebrew on All PSP’s!

Finally the Day has come.

Fanjita and Ditlew have done it again! Now with use of the latest eLoader you're able to boot a selection of standard homebrew games/apps on your PSP running firmware version 2.0, 2.01, 2.50 and 2.60!

You'll of course require the GTA:LCS UMD.

You can find a list of working/not working homebrew here, courtesy of Fanjita.

Download eLoader for GTA v2.6 beta


Friday, January 27, 2006

Zomg webnab 0.2 is here RSS reader for PSP

Download for great justice!
Webnab is an RSS/Atom feed reader for psp, not yet as featurefull as the 2.6 one, but you know its better because it runs on 1.5 ;)
you can customize the backgrounds if you want, change the feeds in the feeds.txt.
New Pics:


Thursday, January 26, 2006

PMP Simple Converter 0.08 for PMP Mod


Miemt11 has released his PMP Simple Converter for PMP Mod, version 0.08. PMP Simple Converter for PMPMOD is a video converter for the full resolution media player PMP Mod. Here is the release info from the author:

– What can it do?
Convert any video (rmvb, avi, mpg, wmv, asf, vob, mov) to PSP PMP format.

Change since version 0.07 (small update)

1: Allow you to direct transfer of your encoded PMP video to PSP
2: add a short-cut to open your PSP Video folder
3: minor fix

– Component Requirement
1: Get all the memcoder component from [ here].
    and install all any directory you like. e.g. C:\Mencoder
    For wmv and rmvb get the essential codec from [ here]
2: Put pmp_muxer.exe to the intall directory e.g. C:\Memcoder
3: Now extract my PMP Simple to the intall directory e.g. C:\Memcoder
4: .Net Framework Runtime 2.00 from [here]


Download: [ PMP Simple Converter 0.08]

Sunday, January 22, 2006

PSPRadio v0.38-Pre1 Released

It wasn't until last week's release of PSPRadio v0.37 Final that I discovered the wonder and amazement that is PSPRadio. I can confidently proclaim that PSPRadio is the most well developed piece of PSP homebrew around. If you don't believe me, it's because you haven't tried it. It's almost flawless, darn near perfect. Honestly, it's a crime that we can get this program for free.

So I couldn't be more excited to announce that work has already started on the next version of PSPRadio, and the first pre-release has been let loose on the world by Raf and company. A lengthy list of changes and improvements have been made, but the highlight of this version is the new 3D menu interface. So please, if you have a WiFi connection, check out this program. You won't regret it and it's a perfect example of how high the quality of homebrew programs can be.
New Features:
Core/3DUI: Merged the new TextUI3D into the main branch
Core: Support for USB enabled/disabled events to the UIs has been added.
Core: Added code to sort all lists (localfiles/playlists/SHOUTcast listings) alphabetically in ascending order
3DUI: Made the graphics in the new UI configurable, to allow new skins to be made.
Core Now duplicates are eliminated from SHOUTcast listing genres. Duplicates are looked for in case insensitive mode. (
Core: Top 600 listing is now left unsorted (so it stays sorted by popularity).
TextUI: Clock format (12/24) is now retrieved from the system settings, and the config option is not used anymore.
3DUI: New graphics from Semtex integrated.
Core: Now SHOUTcast Titles are parsed and corrected to display & instead of #amp; and the correct character for X;
Core: Refactoring/ Added option to select directory for localfiles in the config file.

Core: Removed the config option to turn logging on/off. Just use log levels.
3DUI: shutdown screen are now shown on the new UI.
3DUI: IP number and program title are shown after switching UIs.

If you have problems with this pre-release, make sure to check out v0.37 Final which is very stable and I have NEVER had any problems with after many hours of usage. :)

Download: [PSPRadio v0.38-Pre1]
Download: [PSPRadio v0.37 Final]

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

PSPShot - Take PSP Screenshots!

Tsukasa, from the qj forums, has released an incredibly handy homebrew app for your Playstation Portable. This app allows you take screenshots of anything that appears on your beautiful PSP screen - in game shots, menus, movies, etc…

It's still buggy and makes sometimes strange lines in the screenshots, if the background is moving too fast.

I'll try to solve this problem in the next version.
The screenshots are BMPs, which will be saved under X:\PSP\PHOTO\PSPShot\

Start: Starts the system menu in "screenshot mode"
Select: Starts the insertet UMD in "screenshot mode"

L: Enables normal movement
R: Makes a screenshot
L+R: Exit the program

If the background is moving too fast, it helps when you take more than one screenshot, so you can choose the best one.

Note: This program does only works with firmware 1.50.

Download PSPShot v0.1

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

PSPRadio 0.37 Final Released!

V037-pre9-text-pl V037-pre9-text-sc

Raf has finally finished his work on the wonderful homebrew program PSPRadio (with the help of Sandberg and Halfast), and v0.37 has been finalized! For those of you who have been living under a rock, PSPRadio is an internet radio streaming client and one of the most advanced pieces of PSP homebrew around. A lot of work has gone into PSPRadio since the last preview version, so here are the additions, changes, and fixes you'll find in the final build:


  • TextUI: Added a new config element to specify the length of the metadata.
  • GraphicsUI: Removed from the build as it doesn't work correctly with the current core.
  • TextUI: Added config item/implementation to provide 24/12-hour clock configuration.
  • TextUI: Separate config files per screen
  • TextUI: Metadata color is now configurable (see bug #5907)
  • Core: Removed local LibPSPNet; using pspsdk's pspnet now.
  • Core: Added new LocalFiles screen.
  • TextUI: Using new screens by semtex199.
  • TextUI: Added configuration items to cfg file to configure the list's titles.
  • TextUI: -2 in the X position for configuration items makes the item not be printed (suggested by HalfastII)
  • TextUI: The config file is now partitioned into one section per screen (suggested by HalfastII)
  • TextUI: Added support for showing the time and the battery level.
  • TextUI: Now files defined in playlists are displayed without the path, and the extension is only shown if configured to in the config file.
  • Compiled against latest pspsdk (r1542). There should be some speed improvements, as things like memcpy are now optimized.
  • Core/TextUI: Added support to print text using pixel coordinates
  • TexUI: Removed cleaning code that was unnecessary in the options screen renderer. This should speed it up a bit.
  • Added support for showing the time and the battery level on the 3D UI.
  • Enabled pausing of local streams
  • Cleanup/robustness added for play/stop core.
  • Created playmodes; defaults to NORMAL (will play next track after current one ends), also has SINGLE and REPEAT modes.
  • Completely re-wrote buffering system. (Using stl lists, and optimized buffers). New change from one stream to the next is seamless.
  • Made font size configurable in the textui config file. If these settings are set correctly, then the artifacts produced when using outlined/shadowed text should go away. (The downside, is that the number of columns/rows is also modified as these values change.)
  • Added support for showing the battery status and the current local time.
  • TextUI is now more configurable (for listboxes/textmode(font modes))
  • Added shadowed font mode for textui.
  • Added option to select if file extensions should be displayed or not in textui.
  • Added pngs for startup/shutdown of PSPRadio
  • Now using pngs designed by Semtex/albadross/HalfastII
  • Added better support for suspending/resuming psp.
  • Minor tweaking of the textui.cfg
  • The initial screen can now be selected in the PSPRadio.cfg file, under SYSTEM/INITIAL_SCREEN
  • Can now refresh the playlists from the Options screen.
  • Options can now be saved from options screen.
  • 0.37-pre3c: Now you can save and restore USB autostart / wifi autostart / intial screen from the options screen
  • Added a genre processing/parsing stage for shoutcast.com database.
  • Changed the text ui layout a bit, so that the stream name has more room
  • Added a radial blur effect as a background effect on the 3D UI.
  • Added code to draw font with outline - thanks to Halfast for the idea.
  • Revamped code to handle playlists in memory.
  • Now shoutcast.com entries are sorted by genre
  • Now will reload shoutcast.com db on download. Also now include a default db.xml

  • ScreenHandler: Now selecting to refresh playlists in Options screen will also refresh the local files screen virtual playlists. (Bug #5904).
  • Core: Corrected basename implementation bug #5982. (files shorter than 4 chars weren't getting displayed).
  • Core: Corrected bug #5924, if PSP/MUSIC folder was empty, the app would crash.
  • Core: Corrected problem where if no playlist or local files where present, the app would crash when the user tried to access the next track/playlist using UP/DOWN.
  • Core: VBlank fix.
  • Core: Updated to use socket headers from the new pspsdk.
  • TextUI: Fixed bug where localfiles where getting truncated as they were displayed.
  • Corrected logging timestamping, now using localtime (inspired by sandberg's code).
  • Core: Logging instantiated in the heap instead of the data segment.
  • Core: Modifications to make it compatible with the latest pspsdk (r1542)
  • Playback: Corrected bug that caused app to crash when a stream failed.
  • TextUI: Made the title shorter so it fits no matter what font is used.
  • Updated the 3D UI so all options are fitted to the screen.
  • Corrected log times now that clock changed in sdk
  • Corrected bug with playlists v2, where streams with spaces were getting truncated.
  • Fixed problem where PSPRadio was exiting when it went into screen blank mode.
  • Some refactoring of options code/pspapp_network. Corrections on loglevels.
  • 0.37-pre3b: Corrected the WIFI:AUTOSTARTing.
  • Corrected issue where SHOUTcast screen wasn't allocating memory for the lists, reusing the playlists' memory. This was causing instability in version 0.37-pre1.

Download: [PSPRadio 0.37 Final]
Download: [PSPRadio 0.37 Documentation]
Download: [PSPRadio 0.37 Skins]

Friday, January 13, 2006

More Internet LUA Fun by modsyn

modsyn has been hard at work - now releasing his latest LUA script to fetch all types of Internet goodies to your PSP's memory stick. This script, entitled "LuaLinker", allows you to fetch remote files from the Internet, directly to your PSP. It's completely customizable - you can define your own bookmarks [bookmarks.inf], define your own file extensions list [type.inf] and choose where to save the files you download [dirs.inf].

Very simple to install and use! Check it out!

Download LuaLinker


PSP-HTTPD v0.5: Portable Web Server

We have been carefully following Elxx's releases of PSP-HTTPD, which transforms your PSP into a portable web server that you can access wirelessly from your PC. You can even run your own webpage off of the PSP! Admit it, that's cool. Elxx has just released a new version of this program with alot of interface changes. Unlike the previous verions, this does not require LuaPlayer and has been compiled into a standalone EBOOT. Here's what's new:

New in 0.5 are some nice interface enhancements - the server now has a status bar at the top of the console, showing how much it has transferred, the current uptime, and internal IP. In addition to this, PSP-HTTPD is now a standalone app - copy it to your /PSP/GAME directory and serve away. Here's the official list of changes:

* Server is now a standalone PSP app, using a custom compiled version of LuaPlayer
* New WLAN connection code in LuaPlayer core, allowing for quick checking of connection status without freezes
* Network profile selector now able to save your selection
* Network profile selector auto-connects if you only have one network profile
* Added top status bar to show input/output/uptime/IP info
* All server execution is within a single loop now, allowing for soft restarts
* Added slight margins and line spacing to console output for better readability
* Changed directory listing template to 90% relative width to make viewing on mobile/PSP browsers easier
* Split code and templates into separate directories
* Title of directory listing page reflects location
* Added auto_restart config setting
* Added autorestart_method config setting
* Fixed crash when trying to view non-existent directory
* Added MIME type for MP3 files
* Added screenshot function (press Triangle when idling to save to screenshot.png)
* Changed 'bytes' to 'b' in file size parsing function

Make sure you read the Readme.txt file for instructions on how to use PSP-HTTPD.
Download: [PSP-HTTPD v0.5]