Tuesday, April 25, 2006

PSP Hardware Hack Project

0okm has used an external 32MB Samsung NAND chip to boot firmware, this mod perhaps in the future will allow you to boot up the PSP via external sources - but for now, it's a case of don't try this at home!

1st PSP w/ FW 1.00

2nd PSP w/ FW 1.00 update to 1.500

3rd PSP w/ FW 2.50 Multi Firmware Mod 50% success
    external FW 2.50, 2.60

4th PSP w/ FW 1.51 Multi Firmware Mod 100% success
    external FW 1.50, 2.50, 2.60

5th PSP w/ FW 2.50 Multi Firmware Mod 50% success
    external FW 2.50, 2.60

6th PSP w/ FW 2.01 Multi Firmware Mod 100% success
    external FW 1.50, 2.50, 2.60

How-To : PSP Multi Firmware Mod
copy PSP internal NAND Flash
program it to a samsung 32MB NAND Flash
wrapping Nand bus for external Firmware
psp hardware hack

PSP Multi Firmware Mod

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

UmdNetRipper v1.0

UmdNetRipper copies recursively the whole UMD onto the network using a naive protocol. A simple listener program like netcat can be used to capture the ripped data into a file and an unfold program can re-create the original file/directory structure.

Download: Here

Official Website: dev.psphacks.net

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

UMDTool v0.1 released

SodR has released version 0.1 of his UMD Tool homebrew application. UMDTool allows you to launch UMD's on your PSP using various settings. You can launch a 2.0+ UMd using MPH Game Loader, RunUMD, or run a UMD at 333Mhz (Unconfirmed). Here is what SodR said:
"My original idea was just to create a simple program that could launch MPHGL and RunUMD at 333MHz without any extra trouble. Then I just added a few extra functions and here we are. These days you don't know what program does what, or if you even can boot your new UMD on your 1.0/1.5 psp so I hope this program will make it a little easier to figure that out."

Here's a list of features and requirements:
  • Launch the UMD
  • Launch the UMD @ 333MHz
  • Launch the UMD with 2.0+ support (Uses same method as Flashmod, requires dump of the 2.0 flash in the Memory stick root)
  • Launch MPHGL @ 333MHz (Requires MPH Game Launcher)
  • Launch RunUMD @333MHz (Requires Run UMD)
The 333Mhz support has not been confirmed, due to the UMD changing the speed back to 222Mhz when the UMD is run. This application only works on 1.0/1.5, but provides a very nice interface for you to launch your UMD's from.

Download: [UMDTool v0.1]

PiMPStreamer v0.3 Out ! PMP Mod v2 Compatible.

PiMPStreamer That machine DickyDick1969 is at it again with another release of his amazing homebrew application PiMPStreamer. And it's more 'pimpy' than ever !

For those who've been under a rock all this time, PiMPStreamer is a homebrew application which allows you to stream your videos wirelessly to your PSP. In a way, it emulates the very expensive Location Free Base Player, for free !

Here's what's new in the latest version 0.3 :
  • PMP Mod v2 changes are incorporated.
  • Skin Support has been removed temporarily to enable clean exit.
  • Newer Packet Structure means that more features like Variable Bitrates can be supported later.
To use the new PMP Mod v2 format, use all the files in this release. Do not mix these files with an older version.

Download Link : [PiMPStreamer 0.3]
View : [Forum Release Thread]

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

MPH 2.00 Game Loader Source Code Released

Legendary PSP programmer MPH has released the source code for his Game Loader v1.1. MPH's game Loader today. MPH's game loader was the first homebrew application that allowed 1.5 PSPs to run Grand Theft Auto:Liberty City stories from the UMD, getting rid of the need to have 2.0+ firmware to run GTA.

The source code will allow other PSP coders to build on what MPH has done, or see how it works. Good news for anyone working on getting other games that require 2.0+ to run on 1.5.

Download: [MPH 2.00 Game loader v1.1 source code]

Monday, April 10, 2006

NoKXPloit for PSP V1.5 firmware

A new tool has been released called 'NoKXPloit' which will save v1.5 firmware owners from putting a folder + folder% on 1.50. Just use the patcher and use any original eboot on 1.50 as if you had v1.0 PSP firmware. You can download and comment on this release Here


NO-KXploit Patcher by moonlight

This program will patch the firmware 1.50 (in RAM) to allow it to run normal pbp's.(what people often badly call 1.0 EBOOTS).

The patch will remain resident in the firmware until one of these conditions happen:

1) A program crashes the psp, forcing you to do 2.
2) You restart your psp holding the power button or remove the battery.

You can run/exit games/homebrews, put the psp in sleep mode... none of those things will delete
the patch from RAM.

This program doesn't write anything to the flash, all is done in RAM, see the source for details.

How to use No-KXploit Patcher
  • Copy "NOKXPLOIT" and "NOKXPLOIT%" folder from the archive to the PSP/GAME/ folder on you memory stick.
  • Browse to Game -> Memory Stick in your PSP menu interface and choose "NO-KXploit Patcher" from the sub-menu to start this program.
  • Wait for a short moment. This program will load and then exit it on itself.
  • When back in the PSP main interface again, you can start to launch any Eboot files on your PSP as you wish!
Download: [No-KXPloit Patcher]

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

PiMPStreamer 0.25a released!

Once he's started, there's no stopping him! DickyDick1969 has released yet another update to his PiMPStreaner homebrew application, updating it to V0.25a. This Homebrew applciation allows you to stream movies directly from your PC to your PSP wirelessly, using a modification of the PMP mod.

New features in this release:
  • Smooth audio thanks to improved framerate settings (V 0.25)
  • Removed TCP setsockoptions (V0.25a)
This piece of homebrew keeps getting better, and personally, i think it's one of the best applications on the homebrew scene today, especially with the rate of updates!

Download: [PiMPStreamer 0.25a]