Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Kernel Mode on Firmware 2.50 & 2.60!

Breaking news - full kernel mode access on firmware 2.50 and 2.60! Two programmers by the names of hitchhikr and Neural have released a proof-of-concept EBOOT which takes advantage of a new exploit discovered in Sony's 2.50 and 2.60 firmware revisions.

What does this mean? Well it means all the lovely homebrew compatible with firmware version 1.50 only ( Device Hook, DAX, iR Shell , etc…) will now be available on 2.50/2.60! Please note, this exploit does not exist in FW 2.0 and 2.01. And you will require Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories in order to execute this EBOOT.

The proof of concept simply creates a kernel memory dump in the root of your memory stick.

Download 2.50/2.60 Proof of Concept Exploit

Discuss here

source: hitchhikr SoftWorks

PiMPStreamer v0.65 Now With Subtitle Support

The recent release of jockyw2001's PMP VLC Player may have been one of DickyDick1969's inspirations in improving his homebrew app, the PiMPStreamer. This time, he has updated the latest PiMPStreamer v0.65. What is new? Now, the app sports subtitles! Again, this update is for firmware 1.5 only, but he is really working hard to bring out the goodness of PiMPStreamer to other firmwares, so watch out for updates.

Although the team he is rooting for to win the World Cup (The Netherlands ) loss in part because of some questionable calls by the officials, he was able to shrug it off to bring to life this update. According to the good developer, "I merged the code from Raphael so there is now a SUB supported PiMPStreamer. At special request from a great donater. To use SUB files, place the sub file in the PSP/VIDEO and play the movie. If your movie to be streamed is called sometitle.avi the subtitle file has to be named sometitle.avi.SUB. It only works with full fps streaming and without time skip." Nice!

Here is a screenshot of the updated PiMPStreamer in action (Guess what he's streaming...). Don't you worry if the subtitle is blurry in this pic for according to DickyDick, "the blurriness is because I can't take pictures." As always, your constructive criticisms, observations, and suggestions about this app will be well appreciated by DickyDick1969. So feel free to tell us what you think through your comments, for they will surely not fall on deaf ears.

Screenshot of PiMPStreamer

Download: [ PiMPStreamer v0.65 fw15 with Subtitle]

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Undiluted Platinum: Install Diagrams and Compatibility Update! - Installation Guide

UP Logo

UPDATE #2: The Undiluted Platinum Installation guide has just arrived, and even they not that the installation is for "skilled professionals only, and should not be attempted by amateurs" (Check images below). The installation guide is in a .pdf format, so you will need Adobe Reader to view this.

UPDATE #1: We've got diagrams for chip installation on TA-081 motherboards! Scroll down, guys! (The diagrams for the TA-080s will follow shortly.)

This just in hot off the presses from the dudes and dudettes behind the eagerly anticipated first PSP modchip, "Undiluted Platinum." Finally we have some concrete information on where the chip stands as far as PSP compatibility goes.

"The U.P. team have released the first set of installation diagrams for their upcoming modchip.The diagrams show installation position of the FPC cables , traces which require soldering of wire to and usage procedure of the installation aids. The first release is for Motherboard TA-079, with TA-080 and TA-081 to follow tomorrow. TA-082 is not supported, however, they seem to be limited to Asia and have 2.6 or above firmwares. We believe that overall numbers of TA-082 as a proportion compared with TA-079, TA-080 and TA-081, should be quite limited."

If that all sounds and looks like Sanskrit to you, fear not, we're here to transambulate the kooky techspeak for ya. Apparently 0okm was right when he stated that PSP's with TA-082 motherboards wouldn't be able to benefit from the sweet chip's modular magic, but don't panic, here's the skinny:

The chip will work with all PSP's that contain motherboards with model numbers TA-079, TA-080 and TA-081. However, the installation of the chip across these three motherboards will differ, the images below show the installation of the chip on a TA-079 motherboard.

UP Diagram - Image 1  UP Diagram - Image 2  UP Diagram - Image 3

As promised, here are the diagrams detailing installation on TA-081 boards (you can also download these from our DL site, have a look at the link down below):

UP Diagram - Image 3 UP Diagram - Image 2 UP Diagram - Image 1

The current iteration of the U.P. chip will NOT work on newer PSP's with motherboard models TA-082. The makers of Undiluted Platinum are however aware of this fact and according to our sources are working on a second generation chip to rectify the situation. As mentioned in the quote above, the number of PSP's with TA-082 motherboards is most likely very small, and most current PSP owners (especially in the states) should be in the clear and out of the woods.

Undiluted Platinum Installation 1 Undiluted Platinum Installation 2

This is NOT something we recommend to anyone without any previous soldering or modding experience. As a reminder, USA based will be providing 3 services for those of you that are lazy who don't have the time, or are afraid of breaking their PSP by installing this.

Download: [UP Installation Diagrams for PSP TA-079 ]
Download: [UP Installation Diagrams for PSP TA-081]
Download: [UP Installation Guidelines]

Friday, June 16, 2006

Swaploit one year anniversary!

A lot of you may have forgotten, but today is a very important one for the homebrew community. Exactly a year ago, a Spanish group carrying the name PSP-DEV provided a light to the many who were blinded in the dark; paved the way for those who were lost; and guided them to find the light.

I may be getting a little too dramatic, but let's just say that it's a carryover of the joy I, and I'm sure all of you, had when CybBlade, Pawstick and Killer-X brought to us the very first exploit for FW 1.50 - Swaploit. June 15, 2005 marked the date when the said method first serve American PSP users the very good taste of homebrew for their PSP.

It must be taken into note that right after the Hello World exploit for FW 1.0, before PSPs were launched outside of Japan, Sony released their FW update thus blocking homebrew for gamers around the world who just bought theis handhelds. Swaploit, a method that may be considered medieval in terms of modern technology, answered the prayers of many to have emulators and homebrew for their newly blocked PSPs.

Crude yet very effective, Swaploit worked by swapping Memory Sticks while starting the application. It may not have basked long in terms of popularity among homebrew users (a week later the same guys released KXploit), but it still holds a very special place in most PSPanatics' hearts because it was the very first tool that gave us the power to go up against the updates, giving us the power to use our PSP the way we want.

It has given us the hope that if an exploit could have been made in the very first update, it'll only take time before other FWs are hacked as well. That very same achievement is the very thing that makes other users hold on to the dream of having another tool to use against the latest update. We already have the Devhook, and pretty soon we'll have the modchip, things are indeed very looking bright for us - no small thanks to Swaploit.

Friday, June 09, 2006

Devhook 0.40/41/41a compatibility list

Devhook 0.40/41/41a compatibility thread

-222MHz some games + wifi, with 333MHz all games but no wifi
-0.41 get a full 2.5 emulation


Astonishia_Story_USA, untouched or change the prx from street riders
Breath of fire 3, with save, get fix from ripkit section
Breath of fire 3 UMD
Bust a move delux and ghost (still have to skip intro)working without patch
Cabelas Dangerous Hunts Ultimate Challenge [USA] works, PRX files exchange from BF2 and Street Riders
Capcom Collection, Works with 1.5 prxs renamed, with wifi
Cars, fix on page 50 of this thread
Colin mcrae rally 2005 , works cso'd
Daihoukaijidai IV Rota Nova works, untouched
DjMax Portable works perfectly (all stages fully working)
Dragonballz (untouched or patched, doesnt matter!!) working with WiFi!!!
Exit us, works now unpatched
Eureka Seven (Jap) works fine, untouched with save, can be ciso'd
Eyeshield 21 portable, works untouched
Exit USA UMD- V2.50 - Working
Field Commander, WIFI Infrastucture works,use meetjoeblacks patch first,rebuild and compress
FIFA Street 2, Delete the UPDATE folder, Repack ISO using VCDRomX, can be ciso'd
Fifa street 2 EUR untouched works fine
Fifa world cup 06 works with bf2 prxs, when playing online you can only play iso v iso or umd v umd.
Fight night, delete BOTH pad files in the fightnight ISO then Compress
GENSO SUIKODEN I & II works with prx files from street rider
Gradius portable, working now unpatched
Gradius Collection USA, works untouched
GTA, wifi working, untouched ISO
INFECTED USA UMD- V2.00 - Working - Wifi - Save
Initial D Street Stage(jap)
King kong USA, works untouched
Loco Roco works - replace PRX's, UMD not working
Lord of The Rings Tactics (EUR)(USA) , working
Me and my katamari(USA), works with ppf patch for the prxs. patch on page 33, can be ciso'd but still needs 2gb stick
Megaman PowerUp Work wifi. which means u can download maps online, untouched??? or replace with prx from beithell
Major league baseball, change the prx's with the once from street riders, wifi, save, can be ciso'd
Metal Gear Acid 2 (JP version) UMD, save and Wi-Fi
Metal Gear Acid 2 (EUR) works with meetjoeblacks fix, save
Midway Arcade Treasures is working
Mutajuice (Kor)
Monster hunter freedom, wifi working
Monster Hunter Portable (JP version) UMD, save and Wi-Fi
Mx vs atv unleashed, working with sound
Naruto portable , wifi works.
NBA 06 USA UMD- V2.00 - Working - Wifi - Save
NBA ballers rebound, works with wifi
Pac Man World 3 USA UMD- V2.00 - Working - Save
Pinball hall of fame or Gottlieb pinball classics
Piposaru Academia 2 (Jap) (aka Ape Escape Academy 2)
Puyo Puyo Fever eur, replace prx with the ones from the jap game
Race_Driver_2006_USA, replace with prx files from socom, can be ciso'd
Sakura taisen 1 and 2 works with untouched iso
Sangokushi VII (Jap)
Shanghai (Jap)
Shin Bokujou Innocent Life (Harvest Moon JAP) works with sunny4u's PPF patch applied to the ISO. !!!still crashes apparently!!!
Shin megami tensei devil summoner works untouched
Simple 2500 Series Portable Vol. 1-The Table Game jap
Simple 2500 Series Portable Vol. 2-The Tennis (Jap)
Simple 2500 Series Portable Vol. 4-The Unou Drill (Jap)
Simply replace all the prx's from Eureka Seven jap
Simple 2500 Series Portable Vol. 5-The Block Kuzushi Quest Dragon Kingdom (Jap)
Simply replace all the prx's from Eureka Seven jap
Smackdown Vs Raw UK, UMD works
Smackdown,smackdown works, must set devhook to 333 mhz , compress with ciso
SOCOM FIRETEAM BRAVO USA UMD- V2.00 - Working - Wifi - Save
Socom, working with save, start new campaign, wifi-working
Splinter Cell Essentials USA + EURO works, replace the prx files with V2.5 prxs from Street Riders, rebuild using VCDROMX(runs much better if you do not ciso)
Spogebob Works, swap the prx from STREET RIDER and compress with ciso
Street Fighter Alpha, save working and wifi
Street Riders
Street supremacyp(USA) AKA Tokyo Extreme Racer (JAP) wifi working
Syphon Filter, Apply the Fix or Swap Prx
Talkman (Jap) untouched works
Talkman Korean version is working untouched
The Dog Happy Life Vol 1 (Jap), must apply ppf patch
The sims (usa), can be ciso'ed to 461mb, full compression
Tombraider works with worms prx
Untold Legends 2 USA, untouched ISO is working, still has issues
Vulcanus Seek And Destroy (Kor)
World Soccer Winning Eleven 9 us .cso
World Championship Poker 2 USA, untouched ISO, save and wifi
World Championship Poker 2 USA UMD - V2.00 - Working - Wifi - Save
World poker tour (eur) works with meetjoeblacks fix, save
World Series Of Poker USA UMD- V1.52 - Working - Wifi - Save
World tour soccer,iso Works untouched
Worms Open Warfare
WWE SD vs Raw 06 US, works, ciso'd needs a 2gb stick
WWE smackdown US version, working via the UMD
WWE (KOR) ISO, untouched, ciso'd needs 2 gb stick, run at 333mhz
Thread here

Attached Files
File Type: rar Ciso.rar (35.6 KB, 1719 views)
File Type: rar devhook041.rar (80.7 KB, 1061 views)
File Type: rar devhook040.rar (80.7 KB, 630 views)
File Type: rar devhook041a.rar (20.2 KB, 188 views)

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

DEVHOOK Full 2.5 Firmware Emulation and Web Browser on 1.5 PSP


Needless to say Sony has sent a endless stream of firmware updates at the PSP's dedicated fans, thats 6, no make that 7 upgrades to the PSP firmware to date. Don't get me wrong, sometimes the updates are fairly welcome. With the web browser for instance, other times however the update is minor, and somewhat lackluster, even making gamers question the necessity of another update. Think back to yourself, how many times did you contemplate to update your Playstation Portable to a newer firmware simply because Sony required you to have the latest firmware in order to shake down hustlers and go down in history as Liberty City Stories #1 Gangsta. We know we have many times.

Well as they say, if your dreams are not extravagant then they may be answered. Enter Device Hook 0.41 Sample Launcher. Dev Hook is a device redirecting driver created by Booster. The application or firmware emulator as one of its features enables provides support for newer firmwares up to 2.5. This is a new update to what was a somewhat outdated loader, and something that we are sure you will enjoy. When we say enjoy, we mean love, because with this application you will be able to emulate full 2.5 edition PSP Firmware Support.

Defy the Update Machine. Play 2.5 UMD's and Browse the Web with 1.5 Firmware!

Yes, this means full support and access to the Web Browser among other features. Not just that, but think back to when your world trembled beneath you as you realized that playing Grand Theft Auto would require you to leave behind your beloved homebrew and update to a new firmware, albeit our beloved eLoader. Now GTA with full WiFi access, the fully functional web browser, and everything from firmware 2.5 and below can be yours with the latest edition of Device Hook. Oh, and did we forget to mention that WiFi is working (note below) with some minor exceptions? Leading us to believe that once any remaining bugs get ironed out that Location Free would be fully accessible on 1.5 as well.

So just how do you go about running GTA on your 1.5 PSP? We have put together this simple walkthrough below, taking you step by step and you can rest assured you will be enjoying the features that 2.5 firmware provides on your 1.5 PSP. Even before you can "Sony Firmware Update 3.0".

dev hook - Image 1
dev hook - Image 2
dev hook - Image 3 dev hook - Image 4

Once you extract Device Hook onto your computer, copy both folders over to your PSP like any other homebrew. Then you are going to want to run it from the game menu on your PSP. The issue at hand here gamers is running newer games and taking advantage of the full blown PSP web browser. In order to take full advantage of the PSP 2.5 Firmware's features jog through the following steps.
  1. Go to the Boot Select Menu and choose "Reboot XMB"
  2. In the Firmware Menu and select "2.50 + 2.00"
  3. Next go to UMD Version and make sure it is on "2.xx -> 2.00"
  4. (optional) Overclock the PSP to "333mhz"
  5. Finally, in UMD Mount, select " UMD Disk"
  6. Return to the Device Hook Main Menu and click "Start"
Once your PSP reboots you will be in 2.50 mode. You are able to view the PSP Web Browser via this menu as well as play UMD's that require up to version 2.5 Firmware. This application will allow you to jump between newer PSP games that require firmware updates, the web browser, AND great games and applications such as Callisto that require 1.5 firmware all without upgrading or downgrading. They say miracles dont come true...

- FW2.50 reboot support
- plain20.prx loading location changed
- UMD read stack extension location moved to support FW2.50

- FW2.00 No-UMD loading
- FW2.71 reboot
- NAND driver emulation

Note: There are two versions below. The 0.40 update showcases the Dev Hook Installer which allows redirects flash access to the PSP Memory Stick. The 0.41 version does have full 2.5 support, however WiFi is reportedly not functioning. In addition, overclocking was noted to possibly have a negative impact on Wifi. One thing to consider, while using the application it was noted that it might be possible to emulate 2.5 on a 2.0 version PSP allowing newer UMD's to be played on 2.0 PSP's, but no one at QJ.NET had one handy...

Download: [ Device Hook 0.40 Sample Launcher Full ]
Download: [ Device Hook 0.41 Sample Launcher Update ]