PSPShot - Take PSP Screenshots!
Tsukasa, from the qj forums, has released an incredibly handy homebrew app for your Playstation Portable. This app allows you take screenshots of anything that appears on your beautiful PSP screen - in game shots, menus, movies, etc…
It's still buggy and makes sometimes strange lines in the screenshots, if the background is moving too fast.
I'll try to solve this problem in the next version.
The screenshots are BMPs, which will be saved under X:\PSP\PHOTO\PSPShot\Controls:
Start: Starts the system menu in "screenshot mode"
Select: Starts the insertet UMD in "screenshot mode"L: Enables normal movement
R: Makes a screenshot
L+R: Exit the programIf the background is moving too fast, it helps when you take more than one screenshot, so you can choose the best one.
Note: This program does only works with firmware 1.50.
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