PSP-HTTPD v0.5: Portable Web Server
We have been carefully following Elxx's releases of PSP-HTTPD, which transforms your PSP into a portable web server that you can access wirelessly from your PC. You can even run your own webpage off of the PSP! Admit it, that's cool. Elxx has just released a new version of this program with alot of interface changes. Unlike the previous verions, this does not require LuaPlayer and has been compiled into a standalone EBOOT. Here's what's new:
New in 0.5 are some nice interface enhancements - the server now has a status bar at the top of the console, showing how much it has transferred, the current uptime, and internal IP. In addition to this, PSP-HTTPD is now a standalone app - copy it to your /PSP/GAME directory and serve away. Here's the official list of changes:Download: [PSP-HTTPD v0.5]
* Server is now a standalone PSP app, using a custom compiled version of LuaPlayer
* New WLAN connection code in LuaPlayer core, allowing for quick checking of connection status without freezes
* Network profile selector now able to save your selection
* Network profile selector auto-connects if you only have one network profile
* Added top status bar to show input/output/uptime/IP info
* All server execution is within a single loop now, allowing for soft restarts
* Added slight margins and line spacing to console output for better readability
* Changed directory listing template to 90% relative width to make viewing on mobile/PSP browsers easier
* Split code and templates into separate directories
* Title of directory listing page reflects location
* Added auto_restart config setting
* Added autorestart_method config setting
* Fixed crash when trying to view non-existent directory
* Added MIME type for MP3 files
* Added screenshot function (press Triangle when idling to save to screenshot.png)
* Changed 'bytes' to 'b' in file size parsing function
Make sure you read the Readme.txt file for instructions on how to use PSP-HTTPD.
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