Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Working PSP Emulator for Windows Released

ECTOR has released Potemkin an open source HLE PSP Emulator. It is created and released under the GPL license. This is a great day for emulator fans! Sadly, the author doesn't have much time to work on it so he's released the sourcecode hoping someone will pick up where he left off.

Here are some features of the emulator:

Features: (end-user point of view)
* Plays Puzzle Bobble Pocket JAP
* Starts AI Go
* Runs numerous demos from the PSP SDK

Technical Features:
* Badly simulated PSP kernel
* Mounts ISOs and CSOs (no DAX!)
* Mounts Windows directories (no good UI yet for this)

Installation Instructions:
* Download the requied runtime files ( Here)
* Extract archive to a directory
* Run dashrelease.exe

Download: Here

Monday, May 07, 2007

Daedalus R11 (N64 Emulator) Released

StrmnNrmn comes storming through after much anticipation for Daedalus R11 — the Nintendo 64 emulator for the PSP. StrmnNrmn has devoted a significant amount of time and effort into Daedalus, and it certainly shows…

The R11 change list:

  • [*] Large overhaul of rom settings and preferences. All settings should now be persistant.
  • [+] Native support for palettised textures for faster rendering and less memory usage.
  • [+] Provided a fixed size pool for all texture memory, to limit memory usage.
  • [+] Expansion Pak enabled by default.
  • [!] Updated rom info database to include save mechanism for many roms.
  • [!] Fix memory leak in texture cache.
  • [!] Fixed conversion of RGBA/32bpp textures with odd alignments.
  • [!] Fix crash which occurred when recolouring textures in low memory situations.
  • [^] Large rewrite of texture cache to reduce memory usage and improve performance.
  • [^] Various optimisations to the way textures are looked up in the cache and installed.
  • [^] Optimise offsetting/scaling of texture coordinates.
  • [^] Improve performance of dynarec fragment cache and reduce memory fragmentation.

Daedalus R11 for 1.00 Firmware
Daedalus R11 for 1.50+ Firmware
Daedalus R11 Source

- source: StrmnNrmn