-222MHz some games + wifi, with 333MHz all games but no wifi
-0.41 get a full 2.5 emulation
Astonishia_Story_USA, untouched or change the prx from street riders
Breath of fire 3, with save, get fix from ripkit section
Breath of fire 3 UMD
Bust a move delux and ghost (still have to skip intro)working without patch
Cabelas Dangerous Hunts Ultimate Challenge [USA] works, PRX files exchange from BF2 and Street Riders
Capcom Collection, Works with 1.5 prxs renamed, with wifi
Cars, fix on page 50 of this thread
Colin mcrae rally 2005 , works cso'd
Daihoukaijidai IV Rota Nova works, untouched
DjMax Portable works perfectly (all stages fully working)
Dragonballz (untouched or patched, doesnt matter!!) working with WiFi!!!
Exit us, works now unpatched
Eureka Seven (Jap) works fine, untouched with save, can be ciso'd
Eyeshield 21 portable, works untouched
Exit USA UMD- V2.50 - Working
Field Commander, WIFI Infrastucture works,use meetjoeblacks patch first,rebuild and compress
FIFA Street 2, Delete the UPDATE folder, Repack ISO using VCDRomX, can be ciso'd
Fifa street 2 EUR untouched works fine
Fifa world cup 06 works with bf2 prxs, when playing online you can only play iso v iso or umd v umd.
Fight night, delete BOTH pad files in the fightnight ISO then Compress
GENSO SUIKODEN I & II works with prx files from street rider
Gradius portable, working now unpatched
Gradius Collection USA, works untouched
GTA, wifi working, untouched ISO
INFECTED USA UMD- V2.00 - Working - Wifi - Save
Initial D Street Stage(jap)
King kong USA, works untouched
Loco Roco works - replace PRX's, UMD not working
Lord of The Rings Tactics (EUR)(USA) , working
Me and my katamari(USA), works with ppf patch for the prxs. patch on page 33, can be ciso'd but still needs 2gb stick
Megaman PowerUp Work wifi. which means u can download maps online, untouched??? or replace with prx from beithell
Major league baseball, change the prx's with the once from street riders, wifi, save, can be ciso'd
Metal Gear Acid 2 (JP version) UMD, save and Wi-Fi
Metal Gear Acid 2 (EUR) works with meetjoeblacks fix, save
Midway Arcade Treasures is working
Mutajuice (Kor)
Monster hunter freedom, wifi working
Monster Hunter Portable (JP version) UMD, save and Wi-Fi
Mx vs atv unleashed, working with sound
Naruto portable , wifi works.
NBA 06 USA UMD- V2.00 - Working - Wifi - Save
NBA ballers rebound, works with wifi
Pac Man World 3 USA UMD- V2.00 - Working - Save
Pinball hall of fame or Gottlieb pinball classics
Piposaru Academia 2 (Jap) (aka Ape Escape Academy 2)
Puyo Puyo Fever eur, replace prx with the ones from the jap game
Race_Driver_2006_USA, replace with prx files from socom, can be ciso'd
Sakura taisen 1 and 2 works with untouched iso
Sangokushi VII (Jap)
Shanghai (Jap)
Shin Bokujou Innocent Life (Harvest Moon JAP) works with sunny4u's PPF patch applied to the ISO. !!!still crashes apparently!!!
Shin megami tensei devil summoner works untouched
Simple 2500 Series Portable Vol. 1-The Table Game jap
Simple 2500 Series Portable Vol. 2-The Tennis (Jap)
Simple 2500 Series Portable Vol. 4-The Unou Drill (Jap)
Simply replace all the prx's from Eureka Seven jap
Simple 2500 Series Portable Vol. 5-The Block Kuzushi Quest Dragon Kingdom (Jap)
Simply replace all the prx's from Eureka Seven jap
Smackdown Vs Raw UK, UMD works
Smackdown,smackdown works, must set devhook to 333 mhz , compress with ciso
SOCOM FIRETEAM BRAVO USA UMD- V2.00 - Working - Wifi - Save
Socom, working with save, start new campaign, wifi-working
Splinter Cell Essentials USA + EURO works, replace the prx files with V2.5 prxs from Street Riders, rebuild using VCDROMX(runs much better if you do not ciso)
Spogebob Works, swap the prx from STREET RIDER and compress with ciso
Street Fighter Alpha, save working and wifi
Street Riders
Street supremacyp(USA) AKA Tokyo Extreme Racer (JAP) wifi working
Syphon Filter, Apply the Fix or Swap Prx
Talkman (Jap) untouched works
Talkman Korean version is working untouched
The Dog Happy Life Vol 1 (Jap), must apply ppf patch
The sims (usa), can be ciso'ed to 461mb, full compression
Tombraider works with worms prx
Untold Legends 2 USA, untouched ISO is working, still has issues
Vulcanus Seek And Destroy (Kor)
World Soccer Winning Eleven 9 us .cso
World Championship Poker 2 USA, untouched ISO, save and wifi
World Championship Poker 2 USA UMD - V2.00 - Working - Wifi - Save
World poker tour (eur) works with meetjoeblacks fix, save
World Series Of Poker USA UMD- V1.52 - Working - Wifi - Save
World tour soccer,iso Works untouched
Worms Open Warfare
WWE SD vs Raw 06 US, works, ciso'd needs a 2gb stick
WWE smackdown US version, working via the UMD
WWE (KOR) ISO, untouched, ciso'd needs 2 gb stick, run at 333mhz
Thread here