Thursday, February 08, 2007

Sony FW3.11 Decrypted!

Apparentyl Team C+D have done it again!

To dump the firmware open up the Eboot with psp brew or PBP unpacker.

  1. Extract the DATA.PSAR to the root of your memory stick.
  2. Copy psar_dump2 and psar_dump2% to your GAME150 folder. (Or whatever you kernel is set to)
  3. Launch it from the game menu.
  4. Select what option you wish to have. Then it will dump the contents to the root of your memory stick.


Note: This is the 3.10 decrypter, it simply works the same with 3.11 firmware.

Source: DCEmu

Download: 3.11 Decrypter via DCEmu


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