Friday, January 05, 2007

Dark Alex has Released 3.03 OE-A

Today one of my friends told me that DAX has released 3.03 OE-A, and then linking me to a forum for the download. Well it's here folks so no more waiting! Included in the download package is the flasher, the update maker, popstation, and docmaker. What is docmaker you say? It allows you to create your own manuals for your converted PSX Eboots. In this version it also supports compression of ISO's. Steps to install are:

  1. Copy oeupdatemaker and oeupdatemaker% to /PSP/GAME if you are in firmware 1.50, or to
    /PSP/GAME150 if you are in 2.71 SE or 3.02 OE.
  2. Get the 1.50 and 3.03 sony updates, and put them in the oeupdatemaker folder with the names
    150.PBP and 303.PBP.
  3. Run oeupdatemaker. It will generate the dxar file DATA.DXAR, whhich has the following hashes:MD5: 03186D46D2F1B0ACD923098BEBC87281
    SHA1: 3C80833A970EEA16A94D74DAFF6220889A9CEE4A
  4. Copy 303oeflasher and 303oeflasher% to /PSP/GAME if you are in 1.50, or to
    /PSP/GAME150 if you are in 2.71 SE or 3.02 OE.
  5. Move the DATA.DXAR file to the 303oeflasher.
  6. Run the program. When it finishes, it will ask you to reinit the psp. When you do that, you will be
    in 3.03 OE-A.

Well thats about it, not to difficult eh? And here is the link to the forum download of 3.03 OE-A.

If you bricked your psp as a result from the 3.03 OE-A installer there is a fix for it. KLM software has also released a another Easy installer with the fix applied to it.

3.03 Easy Installer Final

3.03 Old installer Unbricker



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